
Why you should be trying Cryotherapy

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What is Cryotherapy you ask? 

Cryotherapy is a high tech machine that administers nitrogen to the body for 3 minutes or less. It is exposure of your body to temperatures of -130 to -170 degrees Celsius, which can provide a ton of benefits to your skin and your health. So what are the benefits that cryotherapy can provide and how did this latest trend come to be?  

Cryotherapy was first introduced in Japan in 1978 to treat rheumatoid arthritis and later perfected in Europe. Studies show that WBC (Whole Body Cryotherapy) can be used to increase metabolic rate (as effective as an hour of cardio exercise), increases endorphins (improve anxiety and mood), increases range of motion, improves the immune system, improves recovery time from exercise (speeds up rehabilitation time), increases collagen production (tightens up the skin for a more youthful look), reduces inflammation in the body, minimizes chronic pain, improves skin conditions, increases testosterone and libido, toxins are flushed out of layers of the skin, improves cellulite, decreases stress, helps you sleep better, increases your energy, increases total body stamina, quicker recovery from surgery and reduction of delay onset muscle soreness (DOMS). 

So who is using Cryotherapy? 

  • Dallas Mavericks NBA team
  • Kobe Bryant (Former NBA Player)
  • Floyd Mayweather ( Boxer)
  • Kate Moss (Model)
  • Lebron James (NBA Player)
  • Usain Bolt (Olympic Sprinter)
  • Texas Rangers (MLB team)
  • Alan Jouban (UFC Fighter)
  • Cristiano Ronaldo (Ranked best soccer player in the World)
  • Jennifer Aniston (Actress)
  • Dancing with the Stars Cast
  • Houston Rockets (NBA team)
  • Jessica Alba (Actress)
  • Mark Walhberg (Actor)
  • Los Angeles Lakers (NBA Team)
  • Los Angeles Clippers (NBA Team)
  • Atlanta Hawks (NFL Team)
  • Cleveland Cavaliers (NBA Team)
  • New York Knicks (NBA Team)
  • Dallas Cowboys (NFL Team)
  • Dwayne Wade (NBA Player)

Just to name a few. 

I decided to give it a try for myself because I am having a lot of pain with a few injuries lately. In Kentucky, there are only a couple facilities that I know of, but the one I chose to use was recommended by my Acupuncturist.

The Cryo House is located at 148 Tiverton Way in Lexington, Kentucky. 

Phone: (859) 221-0243

When you arrive, staff will provide you with dry socks, slippers and gloves to protect your sensitive areas from the low temperatures. It is best to wear a sports bra and undergarments or a bikini bottom, plus the Cryo House gives you a robe to change into before you get into the machine. After you get in, you remove your robe and hand it to the staff who will then give you gloves to wear inside. Your head will stick out of the the top of the machine. I was thankful the technician who helped me stayed there for the 3 minutes and talked to me or else I may have decided it was too cold. I think when you keep your mind off of the temps you really don’t realize just how cold it is. The first two minutes I thought were a breeze, it is only the last minute you start to feel the pins and needles sensation, but honestly it really was not bad at all. The nitrogen lowers your skin’s surface temperatures from normal temps to 30 degrees F in 30 seconds or less and keeps it that temp for around 2-3 minutes. This is when your body really gets the benefit as the skin sends messages to your brain, which acts as a stimulant to all of the regulatory functions of the body. It is like a scan of all areas of the body that may not be working properly or to the fullest potential and the benefits kick in. 

I personally noticed a difference my first session because that morning I woke up in horrible pain with my pelvic bone being misaligned and my plantar fasciitis in my foot throbbing. After I left the session the pain was around 80 percent better. I think with continued treatment it will make a huge difference in my pain management. I personally hate taking pills so anything that will help I am willing to try. I would recommend everyone give it a shot. You won’t be disappointed. If you have experience and have benefited from cryotherapy, comment and let us know your results. 





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