
Beauty Hacks you will Love

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1. Use honey mixed with olive oil to help with split ends. I leave the mask on overnight under a shower cap so you don’t make a mess on your pillows. You can also leave it on for a few hours at least 1x per week.

2. Mix honey and lemon juice to help with blackheads.

3. Use chamomile in your bath water to help with dry skin.

4. Massage your face everyday using essential oils. I love using rose hip oil and frankincense oil. Always massage in circles and in upward motions from the neck up. This process will help with wrinkles and give you glowing skin.

5. Use onion juice on your scalp to help with hair loss. We all know as we age our hair becomes brittle and tends to fall out faster. Take two onions and blend or put into a juicer and leave it on your scalp for 20 minutes. Aloe Vera works wonders as well. Massage into your scalp in circles.

6. So you ran out of eyeliner? No problem. Just take your eyeliner brush and dip it in your mascara and apply it the same.

7. Crush two aspirins and drop in your shampoo bottle to remove product build up, and to exfoliate your scalp.

8. Dry lips? No problem. Take a spoonful of brown sugar mixed with olive oil and do a weekly scrub to help exfoliate your lips.

9. If you need help with acne, take 2 Teaspoons of cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of honey and make a paste and apply to pimples or acne.

10. Another great tip I have been using is taking a cube for ice each morning and rolling it over my face before I start my skincare and makeup routine. This helps with puffiness, closing the pores and gives your skin a nice glow. Plus it works great to make your makeup last longer.


I hope you enjoy these at home hacks. Let us know if you need more DIY tips in the comments. I get asked to do these a lot so look for more hacks to come soon. 




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