
Remedies and tools to fight Cellulite

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What is the one word most of us ladies dread most? Cellulite, ugh I know. Even the skinny ladies get it so at one point in your life, you will see the lumpy pockets of excess fat. And yes guys, you get it too so lay off the women who have it. Cellulite is not a fat problem. It is a an issue with COLLAGEN. Most likely Type I Collagen. There are around 28 types of collagen in the human body with Type I being the most abundant. There are fat layers in the skin that are separated by compartments which are held together by collagen bands. If these bands are damaged they will release fat which results in cellulite. 

What causes cellulite is not completely known but it may stem from the lifestyle you lead, hormones, diet or genetics. Most women notice it around their thighs, arms, stomach or the bum. It is pockets of excess fat on tissues that connect our muscles to the skin. Other causes could be from age, estrogen, Inflammation, diet or poor lymphatic drainage.

 There are some home remedies that can target cellulite and keep it at bay. If you know of any you can share, leave us a comment. 


  • Exercise is really important in diminishing some of your cellulite and making it less noticeable. Weights and cardio can help with minimizing the fat deposits. 

  • Massage can help break up the fatty tissue. One tool that is popular today is a massage roller. Roll on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes 3x a week. 
  • Self tanners are great to camouflage the look of cellulite on the whole body. 
  • Drink more water because it is good for your skin, but it also helps to remove toxins from the body which is known to lead to fat accumulation. 
  • Stay away from high salt intake because it can cause fluid retention which can lead to cellulite. 
  • Utilize skincare products known to be beneficial for cellulite reduction. Be consistent and use everyday to see a difference. If you look for a cream, look for ingredients such as: retinol, Mango, Apple, Vitamin C, Ginger or Resveratrol. 
  • Coffee grounds have been known to help with cellulite. Make a scrub using coffee grounds mixed with olive oil and massage lightly on the skin. You will want to do this in the shower as it can be messy. 


  • Aloe Vera plants can be used to help with cellulite. Break open an aloe vera plant and massage the gel 2x a week on the problem areas. 


Below are some great products that may be useful but above all, love yourself no matter what. Women in magazines are photo shopped so don’t be fooled  that they are cellulite free. 


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