
Essential Vitamins and Supplements for Women

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As women, we are constantly being pulled in all directions in our daily lives. We are mothers, loyal friends, sisters, daughters, wives, full time employees, we keep up households and take care of everyone. With so many things on our plate, we cannot afford to be sick, so it is essential to take care of our health. When it comes to taking vitamins and supplements, there is a huge selection out there. Everyone is coming out with a new list of what we need to take that we don’t always get from our food, so this blog will share some of the vitamins and supplements I have found work best for me. As always, please consult with a doctor before starting any new vitamin or supplement. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for collagen production, which helps us maintain healthy ligaments, bones and tendons. It is also key to keeping healthy skin which is why most dermatologist suggest you use a topical Vitamin C product in your skincare routine. Vitamin C is also useful for converting fat into energy and keeping our immune systems strong which in turn wards off illness. 

Vitamin B1

B1 (Thiamine)  is essential for maintaining muscle tone, protecting the skin from wrinkles and age spots. It also plays a role in proper heart, muscle and nerve function, may help prevent type 2 diabetes, effective for metabolic disorders, reduces oxidative stress, fights depression, memory loss, headaches, and nausea. You can get B1 from lettuce, black beans, tomatoes, tuna and cauliflower but again some times it is best to supplement. Some doctors believe that B1 can help with Parkinson’s Disease symptoms. A doctor in Italy swears that it could potentially be a cure for the disease but studies are still out. 

CoQ 10

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that can have life changing effects.  CoQ 10 is always a great tool in preventing premature aging, and promoting a healthy heart. Some of the great benefits of using CoQ 10 is it can help with fertility, flush your arteries of gunk, safeguard your retina, helps heal arthritis, protects your skin and hair, reduces headaches, helps with diabetes, protects the lungs and has been used as a key addition to treatment in cancer. One of the ladies I work with takes this supplement on the recommendation of her cancer specialist.

Vitamin D3

It is believed that over 2/3 of women are deficient in Vitamin D. Upon exposure to sunlight, our body produces Vitamin D but most of our time is being spent indoors and using sunscreen so our body doesn’t absorb the benefits of sunlight as well,  so it is important to take a supplement. Vitamins D3 helps to support our immune system which in turn helps to fight off illnesses. As we age, we are more prone to osteoporosis so supplementing may become a necessity. We need Vitamin D3 to have healthy teeth, a strong immune system and to help with reducing the risk of hypertension.  

Vitamin K

Vitamin K plays a key role in keeping our blood coagulating and prevents chances of developing heart disease. You can get Vitamin K from eating soy beans, fish, green apples, green beans, cabbage, cucumbers and avocado. Vitamin K benefits include:  supporting heart health, helps with PMS, helps blood clotting, improves your bone density, improves brain function, and helps maintain healthy gums and teeth. 


Iron is so important for women because it plays a key role in metabolism, which means it helps with our weight and it is a component of hemogobin. Without adequate iron levels, we can develop a deficiency that causes us to bruise easily, and causes dizziness. Iron supplements offer numerous health benefits which include: improving our appetite, enhancing immunity, promotes youthfulness, aids in muscle function, and ensures a healthy pregnancy. 

Vitamin E

My whole I have been told, take Vitamin E because it is good for your hair and skin and if you look at the ingredients of most of the skincare lines today, you will probably see Vitamin E at the top of the list. But healthy hair and skin is not the only benefits to your health. Vitamin E has a host of benefits that many people may not know about. It is  great for fighting pigmentation issues like dark patches and dull skin. It works well for pimples, stretch marks, treating burns, helping with dry hair and split ends, hair growth, nourishing your finger nails, chapped lips, and strengthening your immune system. 


Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in our body and plays a key role in inflammation issues. With elevated inflammation markers you are more likely to have diabetes, heart disease and be likely to develop cancer. Magnesium is a supplement I don’t go without taking. It helps lower blood pressure, fight depression, boost exercise performance, improves PMS symptoms, helps reduce stress and anxiety, helps you sleep better, protects the brain, and reduces muscle tension. 

Flaxseed and Fish Oil

Flaxseed oil and fish oil are both great sources of omega-3 fatty acids which helps with issues related to the heart and your blood. Fish oil is great for fighting symptoms of depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. Both are great in lowering bad cholesterol and reducing dry eyes. Flaxseed oil helps in maintaining hormonal balance in post menopausal women, helps to prevent constipation and prevents pain in your muscles and joints. 


Many women have some indication of adrenal imbalance, including symptoms of low DHEA levels which shows with symptoms such as depression, aching joints, extreme fatigue, a decrease in muscle mass, and aching joints. DHEA can help with lowering inflammation, protects your brain, aids in weight loss, boosts your sex life, lowers diabetes risk, and helps to improve strength and endurance in men and women. 


5-HTP is chemical naturally made by our body, so, adding on a supplement can help our bodies run better. 5-HTP benefits include restoring serotonin levels which will help improve your mood, and fight anxiety and depression. 5-HTP also helps to restore sleep, improves chances for weight loss, aids in wound healing, fights the signs of aging, endocrine regulation, improves memory, and works to treat headaches. A good dosage amount is between 50-100mg twice a day to start out with, then you can increase after a couple of weeks. Speak to your doctor about dosage amounts first before taking. 


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