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So, how many of us would love a device that gets rid of fat at home? Hello, I am betting that number to be extremely high. The big rage now is to use a “Fat Cavitation Machine” in the comfort of your own home without having to pay thousands of dollars at the spa or surgeons office. There are studies that show that ultrasonic cavitation machines can help to reduce fat from the upper arms, thighs, belly and waist by using sounds waves and heat. They are used to decrease the fat on the body and as a noninvasive alternative to surgery.  The ultrasonic waves supposedly can change your fat cells to fatty acids then you eliminate those fatty acids so they don’t stick around anymore as a fat cell. It is really more of a reduction and not targeting fat specifically like liposuction. Hey, I will take a reduction if I can get it.



Benefits of Ultrasonic Cavitation Machine


Pain-Free and non-invasive

Removes stubborn fat

Possible weight loss

Can be used all over the body and face

Promotes healing

May help reduce cellulite

More affordable than surgery

No Downtime

Help Tighten the Skin

Help reduce wrinkles and fine lines






The machines normally have different heads that you can use on multiple parts of the body. You use the heads and rub them on various parts to help break up the fat tissue. I like to use mine for around 30 minutes depending on what part of the body I am focusing on. For the face, I like to do around 15 minutes then for larger areas like the stomach I will do 30-45 minutes. I started to see results after a few weeks of using the machine.



Here is a step by step to let you know how the machines work:




  1. The machine heats up the body’s fat cells that are under the surface of your skin. Cavities are formed between the fat cells which in turn puts pressure on them as they expand.
  2. That pressures that expands will then liquefy and release contents of those cells into the blood. This is when your lymphatic system will process the fat and remove it from your body. It is important to drink a lot of water after each procedure to help with the removal.



How to Maintain the Results of Ultrasonic Cavitation



It is important to not lead a sedentary lifestyle if you want to maintain the results. You will need to eat right and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This will help reduce the chance of the fat cells coming back. You can also continue to use the machine if the fat comes back. Good luck and we hope you enjoyed our blog on Ultrasonic Cavitation Machines. XOXO




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